Sukar benar untuk menulis dalam bahasa Melayu. Ini lah expedisi baru ku; menulis dalam bahasa ibunda - Bahasa Melayu
Payah, terkial-kial memilih perkataan dan menyusun ayat yang sesuai. Sudah terlalu terbiasa bertutur dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Inilah padahnya.
Bagi yang sukar mengerti yang tersurat dan tersirat, faham-faham saja lah. Aku cuba sedaya upaya agar pembacaanmu kurang terseksa.
Sebenarnya hidupku ini sangat membosankan..
15 belas tahun melayar bahtera, anak sulung kami sudah pun meningkat remaja..
Kebelakangan ini hidup ku rasa seperti satu routine biasa...
Bekerja dari Isnin hingga Jumaat.. untuk mencari duit.. untuk menampung sara hidup keluarga..
Jadual anak-anakku boleh tahan juga padatnya. Masing masing sibuk dengan latihan musik. Cuti sekolah pon mereka ada latihan. Bagus juga mereka ada kegiatan yang berfaedah sepanjang cuti sekolah. Maklumlah, aku dan suami sentiasa sibuk dengan kerja.
Selalunya setiap Ahad masa kami bersama keluarga.. tetapi kebelakangan ini, setiap Ahad cuma setengah hari saja untuk keluarga. Bakinya suamiku harus menyelesaikan kerja pejabat nya.
Mengeluh pun tak guna.. nak berleter memang aku tak suka.. cakap banyak kena tempelak balik baru padan muka! So, aku diam saja. Itu lebih baik daripada hati sendiri menjadi mangsa.
Baru baru ini aku bercadang nak pergi bercuti. Ingin berehat setelah berhempas pulas sepanjang tahun. Keluarga kami sering juga pergi bercuti.. tahun ini saja sudah tiga kali kami ke Malaysia. Pada bulan Jun kami sekeluarga ke Hong Kong.
Aku penat! Penat sekali! Jujung tahun selalunya bisness kurang rancak jadi aku ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk berehat sepenuhnya.
Anganku melayang jauh.. Aku ingin ke San Francisco.
Kemudian aku berpaling arah ke Los Angeles dan New York.
Tapi suamiku lebih terpikat untuk berulang semula ke Zurich atau mendaki Tembok Cina.
Tak kira lah dimana, aku ingin berehat sepenuhnya...
Segala perancangan telah ku buat. Namun, hasratku terpaksa digugurkan kerana masalah cuti.
Cuti aku banyak lagi tapi suamiku kekurangan cuti kerana baru saja kembali bekerja pada bulan Mei kemarin. Dia cuma ada 2 hari saja. Permohonannya untuk mendapatkan cuti tambahan tanpa gaji tidak mendapat restu.. Maka anganku mati disitu..
Bingit, bosan tak terkata.. Sekarang duduk rumah saja sambil melayan emosi cengengku di alam cyber...
About Me
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- Ana Rahman
- I am a woman with strong character, a believer in Justice, a supporter for Harmony & Equality, a feline lover. At times I can be funny, some times you hate what I did (honestly, I don't really care). Don't crack foreign jokes to me, you'll be pissed when I can't see thru it (don't waste your time).. **Please do NOT speculate from the title of my blogs. For I am the kind of woman who is blessed with the talent to make you laugh to tears.**
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Aku Masih Disini
Aku masih disini kerana orang tua ku.. Kerana orang tua ku memerlukan aku..
Emak sakit.. tak lama lagi harus menjalan pembedahan sekali lagi. Emak tak mahu dibedah; dia takut. Semalam emak menghubungiku dipejabat. Suara tua itu menangis nangis penuh kehampaan. Katanya "tak usah lah berhabis duit untuk pembedahan aku. dermakan sajalah wang itu.. biarkan saja mak mati.. dah tak sanggup rasanya macam ni.."
Emak ke hospital semalam.. menjalan ujian sebelom pembedahan. Aku tidak menghantarnya.. bukan kerana aku tak mahu. Aku memberi laluan kepada anak anaknya yg lain untuk bersamanya. Emak sering kemana mana dengan ku. Malahan emak enggan bercuti jika aku tidak ada bersama. Mungkin kerana aku anak bongsu..
Katanya, doktor mendapati jumlah kolestrol dlm badannya tinggi. Dia hampa kerana semenjak menjalani pembedahan kira kira 4 tahun yg lalu, dia sangat berpantang makan & minum. Sekarang badan nya susut sekali. Namun, setiap kali menjalani ujian kesihatan, ada saja penemuan baru yg didapati mengenai kesihatannya.
Hidupku dirundung pelbagai masalah tapi aku harus tetap kuatkan semangat demi orang tuaku.. aku masih disini sebab mereka. Jika ditakdirkan mereka sudah tiada lagi.. aku akan membawa diri ini pergi jauh dari sini. Sebab aku sudah tidak punya siapa-siapa lagi tanpa mereka.
Kemarin, dalam perjalan pulang dia jemputan perkahwinan, ibu berpesan dengan nada sayu.. "kalau mak tak ada, jangan biarkan ayah hidup merempat"..
Sebak tak terhingga mendengar kata kata emak. Tak kan aku biarkan orang tua ku merempat.
Handai & taulan.. usah lah bertanya lagi mengenai kakak ku.. sememangnya aku tak mampu memberi jawapan mengenai hidupnya, kelakuan nya. Orang tua kami telah mendidik dan membesarkan kami sebaik mungkin. Kami dibesarkan dgn ilmu duniawi & ukhrawi yg sewajarnya. Seandainya, kami tidak menjadi muslim yg solehah seperti yg diharapkan, maka itu adalah pilihan kami bukan kesalahan orang tua kami. Jangan lah dipersoalkan atau menyalahkan orang tua kami.
Sebagai seorang adik, saya telah mencuba meminta pertolongan dari ahli keluarga yg lain.. tetapi syarat yg dikenakan kepada saya agak kurang terdaya untuk saya penuhi. Nasihat saya dianggap sebagai mencampuri urusan peribadi nya. Maka saya biarkan saja dia begitu. Banyak lagi perkara penting yang harus saya tangani dlm hidup ini dan tiada masa untuk mencampuri hal sesiapa pon. Semoga Allah memberi dia pentunjuk & hidayah and membimbing nya kejalan yg diredhai.. Insya allah.
Saya doakan agar dia bertemu ketenangan, kejayaan, jodoh & kebahagiaan. Semoga cita cita nya untuk ke US dimakbulkan tuhan.
Buat masa ini, yg amat saya harapkan ialah doa kalian agar emak saya kembali pulih dan pembedahannya berjalan lancar. Semoga emak saya diberi ketabahan & ketenangan mengharungi ujian nya ini. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yg memikulnya..
- Dinda
Emak sakit.. tak lama lagi harus menjalan pembedahan sekali lagi. Emak tak mahu dibedah; dia takut. Semalam emak menghubungiku dipejabat. Suara tua itu menangis nangis penuh kehampaan. Katanya "tak usah lah berhabis duit untuk pembedahan aku. dermakan sajalah wang itu.. biarkan saja mak mati.. dah tak sanggup rasanya macam ni.."
Emak ke hospital semalam.. menjalan ujian sebelom pembedahan. Aku tidak menghantarnya.. bukan kerana aku tak mahu. Aku memberi laluan kepada anak anaknya yg lain untuk bersamanya. Emak sering kemana mana dengan ku. Malahan emak enggan bercuti jika aku tidak ada bersama. Mungkin kerana aku anak bongsu..
Katanya, doktor mendapati jumlah kolestrol dlm badannya tinggi. Dia hampa kerana semenjak menjalani pembedahan kira kira 4 tahun yg lalu, dia sangat berpantang makan & minum. Sekarang badan nya susut sekali. Namun, setiap kali menjalani ujian kesihatan, ada saja penemuan baru yg didapati mengenai kesihatannya.
Hidupku dirundung pelbagai masalah tapi aku harus tetap kuatkan semangat demi orang tuaku.. aku masih disini sebab mereka. Jika ditakdirkan mereka sudah tiada lagi.. aku akan membawa diri ini pergi jauh dari sini. Sebab aku sudah tidak punya siapa-siapa lagi tanpa mereka.
Kemarin, dalam perjalan pulang dia jemputan perkahwinan, ibu berpesan dengan nada sayu.. "kalau mak tak ada, jangan biarkan ayah hidup merempat"..
Sebak tak terhingga mendengar kata kata emak. Tak kan aku biarkan orang tua ku merempat.
Handai & taulan.. usah lah bertanya lagi mengenai kakak ku.. sememangnya aku tak mampu memberi jawapan mengenai hidupnya, kelakuan nya. Orang tua kami telah mendidik dan membesarkan kami sebaik mungkin. Kami dibesarkan dgn ilmu duniawi & ukhrawi yg sewajarnya. Seandainya, kami tidak menjadi muslim yg solehah seperti yg diharapkan, maka itu adalah pilihan kami bukan kesalahan orang tua kami. Jangan lah dipersoalkan atau menyalahkan orang tua kami.
Sebagai seorang adik, saya telah mencuba meminta pertolongan dari ahli keluarga yg lain.. tetapi syarat yg dikenakan kepada saya agak kurang terdaya untuk saya penuhi. Nasihat saya dianggap sebagai mencampuri urusan peribadi nya. Maka saya biarkan saja dia begitu. Banyak lagi perkara penting yang harus saya tangani dlm hidup ini dan tiada masa untuk mencampuri hal sesiapa pon. Semoga Allah memberi dia pentunjuk & hidayah and membimbing nya kejalan yg diredhai.. Insya allah.
Saya doakan agar dia bertemu ketenangan, kejayaan, jodoh & kebahagiaan. Semoga cita cita nya untuk ke US dimakbulkan tuhan.
Buat masa ini, yg amat saya harapkan ialah doa kalian agar emak saya kembali pulih dan pembedahannya berjalan lancar. Semoga emak saya diberi ketabahan & ketenangan mengharungi ujian nya ini. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yg memikulnya..
- Dinda
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Day (I Misunderstood my son)
I was on leave today. Had to send Tina back to the clinic for her HFMD review. She's cleared and can now resume school again. She has been worried that she misses her lessons and her piling schoolworks. She been spending the past days in my bed with me the whole day while I get on some work from home. Finally, she'll get to see her friends again!
I have an appointment to meet Eddy's teachers today. This has been postponed several times because I have been terribly busy at work lately. Not that I'm less busy now, but I just cannot postponed any further; it just doesn't feel right.
The purpose of today's meeting has been highlighted to me by his teacher last week. So, I know what I'm getting myself into. So, mentally I thought I'm well-prepared to face what comes may.
Yesterday's incident left a huge anger and frustruation in me. I was so angry that I guess I lose my mind and get out of control. When my hubby informed me that Eddy had secretly changed his handphone, I was worried. It doesn't bother to me if he had traded-in the handphone I bought him for another piece. What terrifies me was the idea that he had stole that phone from someone else. I cannot accept it if he decided to pick the habit of stealing because I believe I've provided him well and have always reminded him of the consequences of such action.
Deep in my heart I am still confident he would not do such a thing; I know my son. But I'm worried he succumbed to peer pressure due to numerous unhappy incidents going on in school since the beginning of this year.
So, we decided to confront him and found out that the phone came from my parents. My hubby called my parents and it was indeed from them. I felt betrayed! Betrayed by my own parents who had secretly got him that Nokia phone with camera & mp3. I have my reasons for not allowing my son to carry a handphone with camera and mp3 and Eddy knew the reason. The whole idea is not about MONEY.. its about SECURITY. Here I am desperately trying to discipline my child, there they are doing all the opposite.. what have I done to deserve this?
On my way to his school, I was on furious mode over last night incident. I keep telling my hubby that if his teacher gonna complain so much about him, I'm throwing out of the house! He might as well be raised by my parents who think they can handle him better!
Our appointment was fixed at 2pm and I was punctual. His teachers appear 30 minutes later.. that's very annoying.. I hate latecomers and was grumbling with my hubby "how they expect to discipline a child when they are not disciplined themselves?". My hubby had to calm me down.
So, the topic begun with all the complains (or 'concerns' which they prefer to call it). He's been so talkative, distractive, bad-tempered, etc. all the norm stuffs! I am here not to hear to complains only.. noone should complains if they don't have any suggestion to follow up with - don't waste my time!
We talked about alot of things.. we came to some agreement and suggestions for implementation. One of which is for Eddy to attend counselling session to develop his social skills. We are agreeable to have a counsellor involved in the situation. I feel Eddy need someone whom he can relate to. There used to be his primary school band master whom he looked upon highly. He is among those whom Eddy would willingly adhere to instructions. No, he is all alone in an unfamiliar ground and the teachers do acknowledge that he has no friends. He was not able to make friends due to his poor social skills.
The teacher suggested if he would prefer doing group study in school while waiting for his dad to fetch him in the evening. Eddy rejected the idea citing "I don't feel safe here" as his sole reason he prefer to go home straight after lesson.
His answer led to probe on why he felt unsafe in school. He told of an incident in class today where a boy from another class came to hit one of his classmate. His classmate's cries for help from the teacher who was present in class was put on a deaf ear. So, the beating took place infront of the whole class!
We were all shocked! the teacher keep asking who was the victim? He brush it with "I promised that boy not to tell". After constant probing he gave in and turn around with his teary eyes and said "the victim was ME! Are you happy now?! I was beaten up infront of the whole class and the others just laugh! Even the teacher did not rescue me!"...
My heart broke seeing my son so frustruated! I felt so guilty. What kind of mental torture had my son been put through? I had thought that the bullying had stopped since he stopped talking about it anymore. Now I am worried.. was the bully incident he told me some days ago about a boy's mouth being stuffed with a sock and beaten up at the back gate is actually about his own ordeal?
Out of this meeting, my hubby and I was utterly disappointed with his Band Teacher. She apparently tried so hard to avoid meeting us. The form teacher had to call her twice and asked her to spare a few minute to sit down with us before she finally gave in but excuse herself shortly after when she fail to provide a justifiable reason on why our son (who was admitted into the school for his music talent) was denied the instrument he was passionate about.
For now, we just want him to complete his final year exam and will pull him out of the place. The teacher says that the problem lies with his poor social skills.. However, none of the 3 teachers present able to answer this question I pose "If all your colleagues are against you and singled you out, would you enjoy coming to work?"
Meanwhile, Eddy had verbally expressed his desire not to pursue in that school anymore..
I have an appointment to meet Eddy's teachers today. This has been postponed several times because I have been terribly busy at work lately. Not that I'm less busy now, but I just cannot postponed any further; it just doesn't feel right.
The purpose of today's meeting has been highlighted to me by his teacher last week. So, I know what I'm getting myself into. So, mentally I thought I'm well-prepared to face what comes may.
Yesterday's incident left a huge anger and frustruation in me. I was so angry that I guess I lose my mind and get out of control. When my hubby informed me that Eddy had secretly changed his handphone, I was worried. It doesn't bother to me if he had traded-in the handphone I bought him for another piece. What terrifies me was the idea that he had stole that phone from someone else. I cannot accept it if he decided to pick the habit of stealing because I believe I've provided him well and have always reminded him of the consequences of such action.
Deep in my heart I am still confident he would not do such a thing; I know my son. But I'm worried he succumbed to peer pressure due to numerous unhappy incidents going on in school since the beginning of this year.
So, we decided to confront him and found out that the phone came from my parents. My hubby called my parents and it was indeed from them. I felt betrayed! Betrayed by my own parents who had secretly got him that Nokia phone with camera & mp3. I have my reasons for not allowing my son to carry a handphone with camera and mp3 and Eddy knew the reason. The whole idea is not about MONEY.. its about SECURITY. Here I am desperately trying to discipline my child, there they are doing all the opposite.. what have I done to deserve this?
On my way to his school, I was on furious mode over last night incident. I keep telling my hubby that if his teacher gonna complain so much about him, I'm throwing out of the house! He might as well be raised by my parents who think they can handle him better!
Our appointment was fixed at 2pm and I was punctual. His teachers appear 30 minutes later.. that's very annoying.. I hate latecomers and was grumbling with my hubby "how they expect to discipline a child when they are not disciplined themselves?". My hubby had to calm me down.
So, the topic begun with all the complains (or 'concerns' which they prefer to call it). He's been so talkative, distractive, bad-tempered, etc. all the norm stuffs! I am here not to hear to complains only.. noone should complains if they don't have any suggestion to follow up with - don't waste my time!
We talked about alot of things.. we came to some agreement and suggestions for implementation. One of which is for Eddy to attend counselling session to develop his social skills. We are agreeable to have a counsellor involved in the situation. I feel Eddy need someone whom he can relate to. There used to be his primary school band master whom he looked upon highly. He is among those whom Eddy would willingly adhere to instructions. No, he is all alone in an unfamiliar ground and the teachers do acknowledge that he has no friends. He was not able to make friends due to his poor social skills.
The teacher suggested if he would prefer doing group study in school while waiting for his dad to fetch him in the evening. Eddy rejected the idea citing "I don't feel safe here" as his sole reason he prefer to go home straight after lesson.
His answer led to probe on why he felt unsafe in school. He told of an incident in class today where a boy from another class came to hit one of his classmate. His classmate's cries for help from the teacher who was present in class was put on a deaf ear. So, the beating took place infront of the whole class!
We were all shocked! the teacher keep asking who was the victim? He brush it with "I promised that boy not to tell". After constant probing he gave in and turn around with his teary eyes and said "the victim was ME! Are you happy now?! I was beaten up infront of the whole class and the others just laugh! Even the teacher did not rescue me!"...
My heart broke seeing my son so frustruated! I felt so guilty. What kind of mental torture had my son been put through? I had thought that the bullying had stopped since he stopped talking about it anymore. Now I am worried.. was the bully incident he told me some days ago about a boy's mouth being stuffed with a sock and beaten up at the back gate is actually about his own ordeal?
Out of this meeting, my hubby and I was utterly disappointed with his Band Teacher. She apparently tried so hard to avoid meeting us. The form teacher had to call her twice and asked her to spare a few minute to sit down with us before she finally gave in but excuse herself shortly after when she fail to provide a justifiable reason on why our son (who was admitted into the school for his music talent) was denied the instrument he was passionate about.
For now, we just want him to complete his final year exam and will pull him out of the place. The teacher says that the problem lies with his poor social skills.. However, none of the 3 teachers present able to answer this question I pose "If all your colleagues are against you and singled you out, would you enjoy coming to work?"
Meanwhile, Eddy had verbally expressed his desire not to pursue in that school anymore..
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
All I Want Is.....
I have been so busy over the weekend. Busy making pineapple tarts for the upcoming Hari Raya celebration. The last Saturday and Sunday were spent in my kitchen kneading and rolling the dough for my cookies. I am not alone, my beloved cats were sleeping at my feet and there was also my bestfriend, Tina (well, she said that I'm her best friend).
I was teasing Tina all day.. telling her that baba only loves me and we love each other so much that we had no more love left for her. Of course, she rebuke and said "It's a lie! Baba loves me a lot!"
Being childish I replied, "says who? he loves me and only me!"
Annoyed Tina came back at me with "hey, don't lie! You are fasting aren't you? It's a sin to lie!"
She walked away as my maid and I giggled at her statement. Oh my! oh my!
But not for too long she's back seated next to me again, singing and chatting endlessly.
And I was becoming naughty again... so I said "hey, its been a long time since I heard you played with the girl downstairs.. what happen?"
Tina said "I don't know what happen. But we have stopped playing with each other"
Hmm.. that doesn't sound too good. So I decided to ask further and teasing her along the way..
"you girls fight? not friend anymore? Or is it because now she has a little sister to play with and you are not required anymore?" I was giggling away..
Yes, she will not leave question unanswered.. here's her piece..
"Haiya... All I want is a SISTER. If only you had eaten lots more then, I would have a SISTER!".. she gave me her annoyed face..
I was speechless after that. Serve me right for teasing a bright kid!
Yes, I felt like a total failure. I had promised her a sibling twice.. and it failed. I am not even capable of making my only girl happy.. and kill her lonliness.. what a mommy I am!
I was teasing Tina all day.. telling her that baba only loves me and we love each other so much that we had no more love left for her. Of course, she rebuke and said "It's a lie! Baba loves me a lot!"
Being childish I replied, "says who? he loves me and only me!"
Annoyed Tina came back at me with "hey, don't lie! You are fasting aren't you? It's a sin to lie!"
She walked away as my maid and I giggled at her statement. Oh my! oh my!
But not for too long she's back seated next to me again, singing and chatting endlessly.
And I was becoming naughty again... so I said "hey, its been a long time since I heard you played with the girl downstairs.. what happen?"
Tina said "I don't know what happen. But we have stopped playing with each other"
Hmm.. that doesn't sound too good. So I decided to ask further and teasing her along the way..
"you girls fight? not friend anymore? Or is it because now she has a little sister to play with and you are not required anymore?" I was giggling away..
Yes, she will not leave question unanswered.. here's her piece..
"Haiya... All I want is a SISTER. If only you had eaten lots more then, I would have a SISTER!".. she gave me her annoyed face..
I was speechless after that. Serve me right for teasing a bright kid!
Yes, I felt like a total failure. I had promised her a sibling twice.. and it failed. I am not even capable of making my only girl happy.. and kill her lonliness.. what a mommy I am!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Went out with the girls last evening - had dinner together. As usual, its crazy and fun.
Reached home past 10, shower and change.. off to bed; slept early.
I was not tired actually. I'm just too bored. Terribly Bored!
Can't wait for the weekend to arrive... I wanna make pineapple tarts!
Something is not right with me..
I'm bored with my life..
I just can't stand the bickering...
Am I really so wrong? Nothing I did seems right thing lately..
I'm pissed but I can't say it out loud. That's why I prefer to shut up. I think silence is still better than fighting fire with fire. And, whats the point of arguing when you know you've lost before you could even began.
I am no punching bag...
Ain't a hub for others to trash their anger about their daily woes...
Reached home past 10, shower and change.. off to bed; slept early.
I was not tired actually. I'm just too bored. Terribly Bored!
Can't wait for the weekend to arrive... I wanna make pineapple tarts!
Something is not right with me..
I'm bored with my life..
I just can't stand the bickering...
Am I really so wrong? Nothing I did seems right thing lately..
I'm pissed but I can't say it out loud. That's why I prefer to shut up. I think silence is still better than fighting fire with fire. And, whats the point of arguing when you know you've lost before you could even began.
I am no punching bag...
Ain't a hub for others to trash their anger about their daily woes...
I'm bored...
bored with my life...
I wish I don't have to go home...
I wish I can sleep in office...
I wish I can fall in love all over again...
I wish prince charming come and sweep me off my feet...
I wish I can fly...
I wish I can ..... WISH!
Wish me Luck!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sibling Scuffle
I donno where to begin...
Lately I've been feeling sad, lonely and deprived ...
It is regretful that my sister and I had fallen apart. It all began when she sense my unhappiness for her night out while I was all stressed out due to mom's hospitalisation. Everybody were busy with work. I had just embarked on a new job and my schedules in a mess and I'm losing myself.
She was not working then but prefers going out with her friends instead of accompanying mom in hospital - I can't possibly force her, could I?
So she's feeling bitter that her 16-years affair had finally ended and that she had no one to love and loving her. All I can say, Love need not necessary come from a lover, a spouse, etc. If being single is lonely, it is worse to be married yet still lonely.
What is marriage after all? Nothing guarantees anything. Being married need not really mean you'll definitely have a life partner who will always be there to cheer you up and make you feel good. If there's so many people showing off that their spouse dotes on them with expensive gifts, trips around the world, etc. Well, normally people only expose the good stuff and hide the bad stuff (this is LIFE!). Nobody would go around admitting that their spouse is having an affair, that their spouse been battering them, that they are struggling in that big house and posh car, that their job really sucks but they just got to hang on cos there's bills to pay, that their kids been having bad grades ...
If I can have my way, I'd rather you be spare from all these...
Whether you decided to stay single or to be married, I guess WE all have NO issues about it. We've been to too many visits and had managed to shut off all the unnecessary questioning from nosy aunties who never fail to ask "why is your sister still not married?". Over the years I've given them the same answer that they have decided that its pointless asking me.
But, I'm disappointed with those audacious photos you have decided to upload in your webspace. If you feel proud of those photos, do spare a thought for mom & dad. Mom is not very healthy and so is dad. Can you imagine how they would feel if they chance upon those photo?
Each of us are lucky and unlucky in in our own way.. we just got to see it.
You are lucky to be single, you have all the freedom and you can follow your heart to choose whatever you desire.
You are unlucky because you have yet to find that soulmate, build your life, build your career..
I am lucky to be married, I have a family, a job..
I am unlucky because I dont even know who I am now... what I have become...
I once feel bothered with my balooning body and I asked a lady who is plump "do you feel sad that you cannot buy all those clothes from Mango?".. she said confidently "No. I am special, my clothes are made specially just for me.."
Lately I've been feeling sad, lonely and deprived ...
It is regretful that my sister and I had fallen apart. It all began when she sense my unhappiness for her night out while I was all stressed out due to mom's hospitalisation. Everybody were busy with work. I had just embarked on a new job and my schedules in a mess and I'm losing myself.
She was not working then but prefers going out with her friends instead of accompanying mom in hospital - I can't possibly force her, could I?
So she's feeling bitter that her 16-years affair had finally ended and that she had no one to love and loving her. All I can say, Love need not necessary come from a lover, a spouse, etc. If being single is lonely, it is worse to be married yet still lonely.
What is marriage after all? Nothing guarantees anything. Being married need not really mean you'll definitely have a life partner who will always be there to cheer you up and make you feel good. If there's so many people showing off that their spouse dotes on them with expensive gifts, trips around the world, etc. Well, normally people only expose the good stuff and hide the bad stuff (this is LIFE!). Nobody would go around admitting that their spouse is having an affair, that their spouse been battering them, that they are struggling in that big house and posh car, that their job really sucks but they just got to hang on cos there's bills to pay, that their kids been having bad grades ...
If I can have my way, I'd rather you be spare from all these...
Whether you decided to stay single or to be married, I guess WE all have NO issues about it. We've been to too many visits and had managed to shut off all the unnecessary questioning from nosy aunties who never fail to ask "why is your sister still not married?". Over the years I've given them the same answer that they have decided that its pointless asking me.
But, I'm disappointed with those audacious photos you have decided to upload in your webspace. If you feel proud of those photos, do spare a thought for mom & dad. Mom is not very healthy and so is dad. Can you imagine how they would feel if they chance upon those photo?
Each of us are lucky and unlucky in in our own way.. we just got to see it.
You are lucky to be single, you have all the freedom and you can follow your heart to choose whatever you desire.
You are unlucky because you have yet to find that soulmate, build your life, build your career..
I am lucky to be married, I have a family, a job..
I am unlucky because I dont even know who I am now... what I have become...
I once feel bothered with my balooning body and I asked a lady who is plump "do you feel sad that you cannot buy all those clothes from Mango?".. she said confidently "No. I am special, my clothes are made specially just for me.."
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hiro's Post-Surgery
Hiroyuki was discharged from hospital this morning. I woke up early today (not my usual 11 or 12 O'clock thingy) to rush to the vet. I want to be there when they opened the clinic as I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking of my Hiro..
We were on the way to the vet when my handphone rang. I can recognised the number .. it was the clinic. My heart almost missed a beat - oh no! did anything happen to my Hiro? my beloved cat? Answered the call and was told by the nurse that Hiro is ready for discharge. Relief... thank God it wasn't any bad news. Informed the nurse that we are already on our way there.
The first time I saw my Hiro again.. my heart was in tears.. He looked so weak and in a state of shock. He had the cone-collar around his neck and his ear still showing traces of blood. It was heart wrenching to see those stitches on his ear.
How it all began.. that night when I was on my way home from work, received a call from Eddy (my son) who alerted me that there's something growing in Hiro's ear. I checked it as soon as I reach home and Yes, his ear was so swollen that it blocked the whole ear.
Sent Hiro to the vet to have the swelling examined. The vet confirmed it as a blood clot. It seems that one of his blood vessel had ruptured. Hiro need a surgery to remove the blood clot as well as to stitch the affected blood vessel. Hiro had to be warded so that the surgery can be performed.
I was sad and worried. Nothing should happen to my beloved cat. My cats are part of me. My cats understands me and cheer me up whenever I am feeling down. My cat don't disappoint me nor hurt me - unlike humans!
We went straight home after fetching Hiro from the vet. the larger cage have been assembled to provide a secure recovery area ( I don't want Pyaar and Kitty to disturb Hiro). After feeding him his anti-biotic, I prepared his meal and placed it in the cage where hiro was resting.
All of us left to wash the cars while Tina (my daughter) went for her piano lesson. While washing the cars, the handphone rang - call from home. The maid called to alert us that Hiro was bleeding badly from his mouth and that blood was all over the kitchen place - I rushed home!
It seems that Hiro had tried to removed the cone-collar on his neck and it got stuck in between his mouth and cheek. In his tremble, it cut his cheek. Seeing all those blood on his mouth and neck tore my heart apart - I removed the collar. As soon as he's freed from the collar, he rushed to his bowl and ate his meal. Oh no! I think he must be really hungry and the collar has made it difficult to eat from his bowl.
After he had eaten, he sat next to me in the kitchen. I clean his wound and fur with lenolin wipes (baby wipes). He did not retaliate - I guess he is in so much pain and weak after the surgery. When he is all clean, I left him to rest in his favourite spot in the kitchen. I sat in the living room. Soon Pyaar and Kitty was at my leg like as if they knew I was going to say something. As they both looked up at me, I told them not to disturb Hiro cos he is ill. They just stood there and listen.
Pyaar and Kitty behave well today - none disturbed Hiro. I guess they are just as worried as me..
I hope Hiro recovers well and quickly. I just cannot bear to see him in such state...
We were on the way to the vet when my handphone rang. I can recognised the number .. it was the clinic. My heart almost missed a beat - oh no! did anything happen to my Hiro? my beloved cat? Answered the call and was told by the nurse that Hiro is ready for discharge. Relief... thank God it wasn't any bad news. Informed the nurse that we are already on our way there.
The first time I saw my Hiro again.. my heart was in tears.. He looked so weak and in a state of shock. He had the cone-collar around his neck and his ear still showing traces of blood. It was heart wrenching to see those stitches on his ear.
How it all began.. that night when I was on my way home from work, received a call from Eddy (my son) who alerted me that there's something growing in Hiro's ear. I checked it as soon as I reach home and Yes, his ear was so swollen that it blocked the whole ear.
Sent Hiro to the vet to have the swelling examined. The vet confirmed it as a blood clot. It seems that one of his blood vessel had ruptured. Hiro need a surgery to remove the blood clot as well as to stitch the affected blood vessel. Hiro had to be warded so that the surgery can be performed.
I was sad and worried. Nothing should happen to my beloved cat. My cats are part of me. My cats understands me and cheer me up whenever I am feeling down. My cat don't disappoint me nor hurt me - unlike humans!
We went straight home after fetching Hiro from the vet. the larger cage have been assembled to provide a secure recovery area ( I don't want Pyaar and Kitty to disturb Hiro). After feeding him his anti-biotic, I prepared his meal and placed it in the cage where hiro was resting.
All of us left to wash the cars while Tina (my daughter) went for her piano lesson. While washing the cars, the handphone rang - call from home. The maid called to alert us that Hiro was bleeding badly from his mouth and that blood was all over the kitchen place - I rushed home!
It seems that Hiro had tried to removed the cone-collar on his neck and it got stuck in between his mouth and cheek. In his tremble, it cut his cheek. Seeing all those blood on his mouth and neck tore my heart apart - I removed the collar. As soon as he's freed from the collar, he rushed to his bowl and ate his meal. Oh no! I think he must be really hungry and the collar has made it difficult to eat from his bowl.
After he had eaten, he sat next to me in the kitchen. I clean his wound and fur with lenolin wipes (baby wipes). He did not retaliate - I guess he is in so much pain and weak after the surgery. When he is all clean, I left him to rest in his favourite spot in the kitchen. I sat in the living room. Soon Pyaar and Kitty was at my leg like as if they knew I was going to say something. As they both looked up at me, I told them not to disturb Hiro cos he is ill. They just stood there and listen.
Pyaar and Kitty behave well today - none disturbed Hiro. I guess they are just as worried as me..
I hope Hiro recovers well and quickly. I just cannot bear to see him in such state...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ramadhan is coming!!
Ramadhan is just round the corner, seriously round the corner (2 days to go)!
I am always eager with the arrival of Ramadhan. It will be a month when I have so many things to do in so little time. There's so many fond memories that will come flashing back whenever Ramadhan appears. It will also be a time for me to do self-reflection, to draft a new resolution, to make it a point to be with my family.
As a child, I am always competing during Ramadhan - who gets to complete a full month without a day missed. I was not very healthy, always sick.. mom's say cos I was a premie (born after 7 months in her tummy). So, whenever I do get to complete my fasting without a miss, I'll get present. But perhaps it was not so much about the gift - its all about winning!
As a mom, I witness the training of fasting on my young kids. It was not easy training my two boys - Eddy and Ryan. My mom always feel they are too young to endure fasting (lame!) and would feed them quietly behind my back! I am a no-nonsense mommy, so I see them rolling on the floor in hunger and giving me pathetic faces to gain my sympathy during the weekends when granny is not there! hahahaha!. I think it was only when Eddy was 7 or 8 when it all become a normal routine.
Tina was easy. She started fasting (full day) when she was three.
Last year Ramadhan is something I will always remember. It was on the very first day of fasting, I attended a job interview. After the interview, I went straight to Starbuck and ordered my frappucino & cinnamon Roll. I was chewing on my first bite of cinnamon roll when my brain suddenly yell "wadda hell am I doin? I'm fasting!!!"
Ouch! I forgot! I threw out whats in my mouth and head over to the counter to ask the lady to pack it away for me. I told her that I had forgotten that I'm fasting. She was sweet, she took my tray and hand me a voucher. I can redeem my frappucino another time (that's what I call.. GOOD SERVICE!).
During Ramadhan we are always busy. There's approximately 4 weekends to dine with family. On top of that, there's shopping to do. Normally, I would sent all the materials for my outfits to the seamstress months ahead. We normally start shopping for the kids two weeks thru Ramadhan - kids get excited that way.
I will also be busy making pineapple tarts during that same time. Yes, I make my own pineapple tarts every year without fail because that is what my hubby and kids like most. The rest of the cookies we will buy off the rack. This year I hope to make my own Kek Lapis though I am a little disappointed with the new oven I bought. Let's hope hubby allow me to buy another oven instead.
This year will be a little different for me. I'm not in the mood for anything. My life feels empty, as if there's something missing. I have not sent my material to the seamstress either (looks like no hari raya clothes for me??). No, we'll get those ready-made clothes for the whole family for our first day. The rest of the days.. I think I'll recycle my songkets.
Mentioning about hari raya outfits reminds me of Rini. Last year, the two of us wore baju kurung for the whole first week of hari raya in office - It was really one sweet memory! I normally wear baju kurung when I dont know what to wear to work (horrible me!).
Ramadhan & Eid Ul Fitri.. brings back sad memories. I just can't help but to think what are my two babies doing in heaven. I wish they were here enjoying the good time with us.. Its been two years yet I still misses them so much! ( I am crying as I wrote this in office.. fortunately everyone has left).
sorry.. I cannot complete this writing...
I am always eager with the arrival of Ramadhan. It will be a month when I have so many things to do in so little time. There's so many fond memories that will come flashing back whenever Ramadhan appears. It will also be a time for me to do self-reflection, to draft a new resolution, to make it a point to be with my family.
As a child, I am always competing during Ramadhan - who gets to complete a full month without a day missed. I was not very healthy, always sick.. mom's say cos I was a premie (born after 7 months in her tummy). So, whenever I do get to complete my fasting without a miss, I'll get present. But perhaps it was not so much about the gift - its all about winning!
As a mom, I witness the training of fasting on my young kids. It was not easy training my two boys - Eddy and Ryan. My mom always feel they are too young to endure fasting (lame!) and would feed them quietly behind my back! I am a no-nonsense mommy, so I see them rolling on the floor in hunger and giving me pathetic faces to gain my sympathy during the weekends when granny is not there! hahahaha!. I think it was only when Eddy was 7 or 8 when it all become a normal routine.
Tina was easy. She started fasting (full day) when she was three.
Last year Ramadhan is something I will always remember. It was on the very first day of fasting, I attended a job interview. After the interview, I went straight to Starbuck and ordered my frappucino & cinnamon Roll. I was chewing on my first bite of cinnamon roll when my brain suddenly yell "wadda hell am I doin? I'm fasting!!!"
Ouch! I forgot! I threw out whats in my mouth and head over to the counter to ask the lady to pack it away for me. I told her that I had forgotten that I'm fasting. She was sweet, she took my tray and hand me a voucher. I can redeem my frappucino another time (that's what I call.. GOOD SERVICE!).
During Ramadhan we are always busy. There's approximately 4 weekends to dine with family. On top of that, there's shopping to do. Normally, I would sent all the materials for my outfits to the seamstress months ahead. We normally start shopping for the kids two weeks thru Ramadhan - kids get excited that way.
I will also be busy making pineapple tarts during that same time. Yes, I make my own pineapple tarts every year without fail because that is what my hubby and kids like most. The rest of the cookies we will buy off the rack. This year I hope to make my own Kek Lapis though I am a little disappointed with the new oven I bought. Let's hope hubby allow me to buy another oven instead.
This year will be a little different for me. I'm not in the mood for anything. My life feels empty, as if there's something missing. I have not sent my material to the seamstress either (looks like no hari raya clothes for me??). No, we'll get those ready-made clothes for the whole family for our first day. The rest of the days.. I think I'll recycle my songkets.
Mentioning about hari raya outfits reminds me of Rini. Last year, the two of us wore baju kurung for the whole first week of hari raya in office - It was really one sweet memory! I normally wear baju kurung when I dont know what to wear to work (horrible me!).
Ramadhan & Eid Ul Fitri.. brings back sad memories. I just can't help but to think what are my two babies doing in heaven. I wish they were here enjoying the good time with us.. Its been two years yet I still misses them so much! ( I am crying as I wrote this in office.. fortunately everyone has left).
sorry.. I cannot complete this writing...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Today - 21 Aug 2008
Firstly, I am wishing my other half a 'Happy 15th Anniversary'!. Thank you so much for loving me unconditionally and tolerating my laziness, spoiltness, sickness, craziness, etc., etc., etc.
I think this year is a super-busy year for us. New job, failed business venture, learning to pick up the broken pieces in life. Glad that all are now back in the correct track. Glad that I am settling down well with my new job. Glad with all the good and bad things that had happen.
Life goes on... We are stronger when we have each other to lean on. This year's annivesary is a little misplanned in a lost desire. We are just too busy that we forgot to plan anything. But it is OK. Life has better meaning for me now than those expensive gifts and beautiful bouquet - don't feel bad that you have forgotten to send the flower as long as you have not forgotten to love me and pampers me like always.
He has been working late since mid May. So, I've decided to spend this evening with two friends. Nur was my secondary schoolmate, Juju was my childhood friend since I was 5 or 6 when we used to attend the same religious recital lesson. Had dinner with Nur & Juju at Swensen Northpoint.
This whole dinner plan was funny to start with. Perhaps because I was extremely late for the group dinner at Secret Recipe Marina Square some months ago. I arrived at 9pm when the meeting was arranged for 6.30pm! hahahaha! I was busy busy busy with work work work.
So, for this dinner Juju had set a rule that those who came late shall pay for desert!
I was supposed to leave office at 5pm - determined to do so! However, there was some urgent contract that requires my response immediately. So, I left office almost 30 minutes later.
Fortunately the company shuttle bus was already there (as if it knows I'm coming!).. Alight at St. Andrew Cathedral and walk quickly to City Hall MRT Station. Another coincidence, the train was already there when I reach my platform heading for Yishun. I did not do the normal Marina Bay reverse route and fortunately, the train from City Hall today has plenty of vacant seat. Else, my leg gonna ache all the way in these high-heels!
Walking thru the Northpoint tunnel, I called Nur. Heard the ez-link tapping sound and my next best question was "where are you?". Nur replied "just reach Yishun Bus Interchange and where are you?".. we burst into laughter realising that we both arrived at Northpoint at the same time. So we agree to meet at OCBC and headed for Swensen together.
Now, where is Juju? We called her and she says that she's leaving her flat now. Ohh.. looks like someone gonna be LATE!!! hahahaha!
Nur and me were so hungry and looking at the menu makes us want to order everything! But we go slow (a little..). We ordered Spaggethi Bolognaise, Crayfish Pasta, Caesar Salad with Chicken cutlets, Clam chowder soup with sour bread (separated cos I'm fussy!). We eat and chat while waiting for Juju.. who apparently appears LATE!
Juju came sweating, salam and quickly ordered her food. Then she was complaining of inhaling too much glue from the next door office renovation. Nur and I just giggle our way.. Then she asked to salam again. We were like.."huh? salam already what!" Looking confused she replied, "Aiyaa.. salam again lah cos I have forgotten..".. hmm anything lah.. so today is double-salam day! hahaha!
She peeped into our salad bowl and the next thing that happen was so hillarious. Juju said delightedly "ohh.. beef salad!".. Nur and I laughed so hard that we almost choked. I guess Juju is high on glue that she failed to distinguish between Chicken & Beef!
Dinner was a super-long event today. The restaurant did not chase us away perhaps cos the bill come out to be a 3-digit figure! We eat and talk slowly .. nobody is rushing noone today.
Then we went on to discuss about our upcoming so-called 'girls trip'. Its like the tip of the iceberg! Suddenly all so chirpy at the topic. Juju will source for the air-tickets.. I'll do the hotel picking.. so exciting.
Today was all a happy one for me cos I really enjoyed the meet up.
As for my other half, he is all so moody & uptight - had a bad meeting with client, had a lousy day at the handphone service centre with staff who just failed to rectify his new handphone faultiness, all seems not right for him today. And being his other half, I had to take in some unnecessary blows from him too - What a dumb luck on my 15th Anniversary!
To all those singles out there... Marriages need not be all rosy though singlehood may not be fantastic either... confused!
Time for bed... someone is staring!!! hahahaha!
Au Revoir!
I think this year is a super-busy year for us. New job, failed business venture, learning to pick up the broken pieces in life. Glad that all are now back in the correct track. Glad that I am settling down well with my new job. Glad with all the good and bad things that had happen.
Life goes on... We are stronger when we have each other to lean on. This year's annivesary is a little misplanned in a lost desire. We are just too busy that we forgot to plan anything. But it is OK. Life has better meaning for me now than those expensive gifts and beautiful bouquet - don't feel bad that you have forgotten to send the flower as long as you have not forgotten to love me and pampers me like always.
He has been working late since mid May. So, I've decided to spend this evening with two friends. Nur was my secondary schoolmate, Juju was my childhood friend since I was 5 or 6 when we used to attend the same religious recital lesson. Had dinner with Nur & Juju at Swensen Northpoint.
This whole dinner plan was funny to start with. Perhaps because I was extremely late for the group dinner at Secret Recipe Marina Square some months ago. I arrived at 9pm when the meeting was arranged for 6.30pm! hahahaha! I was busy busy busy with work work work.
So, for this dinner Juju had set a rule that those who came late shall pay for desert!
I was supposed to leave office at 5pm - determined to do so! However, there was some urgent contract that requires my response immediately. So, I left office almost 30 minutes later.
Fortunately the company shuttle bus was already there (as if it knows I'm coming!).. Alight at St. Andrew Cathedral and walk quickly to City Hall MRT Station. Another coincidence, the train was already there when I reach my platform heading for Yishun. I did not do the normal Marina Bay reverse route and fortunately, the train from City Hall today has plenty of vacant seat. Else, my leg gonna ache all the way in these high-heels!
Walking thru the Northpoint tunnel, I called Nur. Heard the ez-link tapping sound and my next best question was "where are you?". Nur replied "just reach Yishun Bus Interchange and where are you?".. we burst into laughter realising that we both arrived at Northpoint at the same time. So we agree to meet at OCBC and headed for Swensen together.
Now, where is Juju? We called her and she says that she's leaving her flat now. Ohh.. looks like someone gonna be LATE!!! hahahaha!
Nur and me were so hungry and looking at the menu makes us want to order everything! But we go slow (a little..). We ordered Spaggethi Bolognaise, Crayfish Pasta, Caesar Salad with Chicken cutlets, Clam chowder soup with sour bread (separated cos I'm fussy!). We eat and chat while waiting for Juju.. who apparently appears LATE!
Juju came sweating, salam and quickly ordered her food. Then she was complaining of inhaling too much glue from the next door office renovation. Nur and I just giggle our way.. Then she asked to salam again. We were like.."huh? salam already what!" Looking confused she replied, "Aiyaa.. salam again lah cos I have forgotten..".. hmm anything lah.. so today is double-salam day! hahaha!
She peeped into our salad bowl and the next thing that happen was so hillarious. Juju said delightedly "ohh.. beef salad!".. Nur and I laughed so hard that we almost choked. I guess Juju is high on glue that she failed to distinguish between Chicken & Beef!
Dinner was a super-long event today. The restaurant did not chase us away perhaps cos the bill come out to be a 3-digit figure! We eat and talk slowly .. nobody is rushing noone today.
Then we went on to discuss about our upcoming so-called 'girls trip'. Its like the tip of the iceberg! Suddenly all so chirpy at the topic. Juju will source for the air-tickets.. I'll do the hotel picking.. so exciting.
Today was all a happy one for me cos I really enjoyed the meet up.
As for my other half, he is all so moody & uptight - had a bad meeting with client, had a lousy day at the handphone service centre with staff who just failed to rectify his new handphone faultiness, all seems not right for him today. And being his other half, I had to take in some unnecessary blows from him too - What a dumb luck on my 15th Anniversary!
To all those singles out there... Marriages need not be all rosy though singlehood may not be fantastic either... confused!
Time for bed... someone is staring!!! hahahaha!
Au Revoir!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
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