Its been a while...
I've finally delivered a baby boy in a traumatising situation.
That fateful day of 24th April, When I was 39weeks pregnant,
I made an attempt to run away from home.. From everything!
I cant take it anymore. Hate all his sarcastic remarks about how
much $ my difficult pregnancy have consumed. Hate it when he
transferred me to another hospital and attempt to force me to give
birth! It was for all that reasons I had purposely refused to get into
his car when I had a very bad contraction leading to my unexpected
delivery in the ambulance.
I didnt run too far. I had just reached McDonalds at Northpoint
When I felt a very sharp pain! I quickly grab a cab and went home!
Why I didnt go to hosp instead? Cos I hate the nagging should this
be another false alarm again.
The pain got worst by the time I reached home! Called my husband
and he said he will call the private ambulance. My condition
Worsened and yet no ambulance arrived even after he reached home.
He told me to get into his car.. That was a giveaway! I knew he never
called the ambulance like he said he would!!
At that instant moment, I am determined not to get into his car! He
will not send me to the hosp i'm supposed to! I'd rather deliver this
baby all by myself at home and to be pushed around!
He panicked when I trembled hard due to the pain! He called the
SCDF ambulance. They arrived in less than 7 mins! My man still
arguing with the medic on the hospital to send me. So much tine
Being wasted without sparing any thought on my pain...
Finally, the medic's decision is FINAL! They put me in ambulance
and rudhed me to KKH. Yafiq Benjamin cant wait! He decided to
make his debut in the ambulance at the hospital entrance!
To be continued....
YB's Childbirth Story next!